INSTALLATION ============ From Diskette. ============== Windows 95 ---------- 1. Insert diskette one. 2. Click START button, select Run. 3. From Run dialog input a:\install.exe. 4. Click OK and program will install. 5. Follow the on screen instructions. Downloaded Electronically ========================= How to Install program from zipped file. ======================================== 1. Create a temporary file to store the zip file in. The package creates over 160 files and will be easier to delete after installation if they are in their own folder. 2. Transfer (or later versions) file to this temp folder and unzip it using Pkzip ,winzip etc. 3. One of the unzipped files is an installation file called install.exe. Run this file. This will place the files into their correct folders and add any icons for the desktop. 4. If installation was successful delete all the unzipped files in the temporary file. You may wish to keep the original zipped file in a safe folder.